15 May 2008

Well as I always say "from today I will regularly post on my blog".
My semester exams have started and once again the karmic cycle has repeated itself. I did the same thing what I did for my last exams studied at the eve of night, prayed to god, contemplated about life, cussed about the education system in India( about how bad it is) and all that thing we do before exams.
If I have not mentioned it I will now I study in a college called Sathyabama. In my college people get pleasure from seprating the gender.We have squads who check us if we are talking to girls or not. A bunch of retards run my college and all of the are married and have many children. Students study in an environment where they are forced to think about girls (for example if i tell you that you cant have an ice cream you would want one immediately) . The situation is so bad that our buses have an iron rod welded in between to separate the gender. Well yeah you all can have a good laugh. But now at least I am man enough to admit that I study in a situation which has success rate of producing a lot of ...ahem.
I know now what not to do. It’s my country and I am sure in the future I will not let my younger generation to go through what I am going to go through ...gulp.
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Harini Vembar said...

good one!!
u must post stuff more oft :-)

Vaishnavi said...

hmm.. sad