Kollam @ 23
Recently I had been to Kollam for Shivratri on 23 Feb. Its the day when the whole infinite consciousness rejoices (basically your meditation is 1000 times stronger).
For me, it was an experience of total auspiciousness. there was something different about that day. Just by closing my eyes I could easily slip into deep meditation. When Guruji sang "Shivohum" it felt as if the the time had stopped. It was in that moment I realised and felt that I was in presence of gods. For all those who missed it ("it" would be an understatement), I really feel compassionate towards you. Well if gods favour you, next time be there for shivratri.
Pic: My sis (Madhuri), Me, Pradeep and Sandesh Bhaiya
nice changed look for the blog :) ,, title the prior posts as well ,, ( Chenai --> Chennai :D .. nice short post --> brevity is the soul of wit ,,this totally goes by it :)
U could have written, but I know for events like theses words fall short!
I knowwww I'll be there next time :-)
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